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What women want in property and why it matters
Market & Opinion
What women want in property and why it matters
25 Jul 2024
Discover the growing influence of women in the real estate market as primary decision-makers and investors. Learn how to enhance property appeal by highlighting safety features, community amenities, and functional upgrades. Understand the importance of transparent communication and targeted marketing to resonate with women buyers. By addressing these preferences, sellers can effectively engage with this dynamic and influential group in the housing market.
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Should tenants be compensated for improvements?
Should tenants be compensated for improvements?
22 Jul 2024
Wondering if tenants should be compensated for improvements? PG van der Linde from Seeff Pretoria East answers common rental FAQs, covering tenant modifications, early lease termination, late rent payments, deposit returns, and dispute resolution. Learn the essentials to avoid pitfalls in rental agreements and protect your rights
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Understanding condition reports and the voetstoots clause in property transactions
Understanding condition reports and the voetstoots clause in property transactions
18 Jul 2024
Understanding the condition report and the voetstoots clause is crucial for both buyers and sellers in the South African property market. This guide explains the legal implications, the types of defects, and essential steps for buyers and sellers to ensure a fair and transparent transaction.
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Important red flags in property deals to look out for
Market & Opinion
Important red flags in property deals to look out for
17 Jul 2024
Learn how to spot important red flags in property deals to avoid scams. Verify agents, confirm property ownership, and be cautious of fake listings. Stay vigilant and protect your investment.
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